A stop motion piece done with a new camera (Olympus 5050Z) about an acrobatic
Rat on a Motorised skateboard.
The model "RatFink" is from www.finktank.com .
The music is from a Punk Bank called "The Finger".
The frames were put together into small scenes using "Microsoft Movie Maker". WMV files were created for each and were imported as clips. A new project was started with these clips, spaced with blank scenes and adjusted to the music before generating the final file with credits etc.
Jasc ImageRobot was used extensively to make up for subtle variations in colour
due to the filming taking place over a long time.
My tips:
I was to film this all again, I would put more effort into blacking-out the
room to give more consistent lighting. I had used a set of daylight bulbs on a
block for this project but my curtains were not totally light proof so the
lighting changed during the filming. The other change which I notice everytime
I watch the film is the background in the jump sequence. I
took several photos of the rat on a cardboard track, I then took
a second photo with just the backdrop, I then using Paintshot Pro
painstakingly painted bridge out of all the images. The problem being that
the backdrop is in sharp focus for that shot but for the other shots the focus
is on the rat and I foolishly did not keep the intermediate files because
they were quite large.
What has Ratobat been upto since 2003? Well he is now living in an old humidor and likes to spend his evenings with a "wee dram" of whisky.
You can buy Rat Fink books and DVDs at the Ace Anim Shop RatFink category
You can buy software, hardware, DVDs and books at the Ace Anim Shop
Email : Andy.Clark@Dial.Pipex.Com - Last updated : Jan 2007